Saturday, March 17, 2012

Another mystery of the vacuum:
These little holes that appear on some of our canister vacuums. What is it for? I should always keep it closed right? Physic says that if I open this then suction will leak out, but why would I ever want less suction?
Sometime it’s hard to connect 1 and 1. The point of these holes is so if you’re vacuuming an area rug, and the suction on your vacuum is so strong that the rug is sticking to your vacuum, then you can reduce the suction using this hole. This way you can vacuum your rug, but not vacuum up your rug. Keep in mind that you want to only let out enough suction that your rug is not being sucked up. This is important on some machines, because on some the roller is powered by the suction power.
You’ll note that you’ll never see this on an upright. This starts to branch off into Upright VS Canister, but that’s another discussion for another day. And yes, DEZMOND totally called this out before I posted it. Good job!


  1. he he :) thanks for the shout out :) I really use those holes all the time since the suction is sometimes to strong.
    Can you tell us in one of your future posts which you think are better, the vacuums with fabric bags, the paper bags or the ones with the water filter? I will have to buy a vacuum soon, and I want to buy the water one.

  2. lol, a blog about vacuums, eh? Alright, I can dig it.

  3. Dezomnd was right, that can't be..haha....well now I know what those holes are for, never knew before.

    1. listen to Dezz, Pat, I'm the hole expert LOL :)

  4. Never really noticed these holes before when I vacuum, I should find em.

  5. Never knew what these holes were for.

  6. Very interesting - I had no idea lol

  7. I had no idea either. we don't use this at home..^_^

    I never tried using it either. haha!

  8. I didn't know about this one either! With you around, I'm going to learn every nook and cranny of the vacuum ;)

  9. do vacuum mysteries ever cease?!?

  10. So that's what it's for! Oh my god, I'm so stupid...

  11. Oh... That actually makes a lot of sense...

  12. Wow, I totally didn't know that. I always left it closed as I'm worried that dust might come out from there.

  13. I always thought it was so you could open it and try and grab stuff that was being sucked in or something...doesnt make much sense though, your description is an eye opener.

  14. nice you have picture vacuum collection lol

  15. A blog about vacuums? I bet my mom will love it :P.
    Fun aside, I actually like your approach to the differents ways of seeing a vacuum!
    Will follow. :)
